Participant & Parent


Over the past nine years, TS College tours has had over 1000 participants from more than 100 different international schools of over 40 different nationalities!

Bill Mundy

Definitely do it–the tour is intense and provides a wonderful opportunity for your child to visit and experience the schools. The counselors are excellent and the tour is a great mix of touring campuses and some fun activities.

Bill Mundy
Parent of California and Northeast Tours Participant
Singapore American School, Singapore

Anny Wang

Now my head is clear about which colleges I’m applying to.

Anny Wang
California Tour Participant

Aly San Jose

GO! It is really helpful, especially for international school students. You get to see different types of colleges all in one week and spend time with other kids who are all in the same situation as you. You also get first hand information about how to do college apps and what the admissions people are looking for. Not to mention the counselors are extremely awesome and fun!

Aly San Jose
Northeast College Tour Participant
International School Manila, Philippines

Khalid Rhacid

It will be one of the best experiences of your life.

Khalid Rhacid
Northeast College Tour Participant Cairo
American College, Eygpt

Jaime Villegas

We want to thank you Trevor and your group for this fantastic experience. Mateo learned a lot from this trip. It was an EXCELLENT CHOICE!

Jaime Villegas
Parent of Northeast Tour Participant
Singapore American School, Singapore

Lucas Barros

Everything was JUST PERFECT, our peers, the tours, the colleges, the meals, the counselors…….Absolutely everything!!!!

Lucas Barros
Northeast College Tour Participant
School of the Nations, Brazil

Rocky Esguerra

If you’re going to invest $60,000 every year to send your child to a university abroad, you might as well invest a couple thousand dollars now to send your kid to TS College Tours before high school graduation, to make the most of your investment in an international university education.

Rocky Esguerra
Parent of Northeast Tour Participant
United World College Southeast Asia, Singapore

Paul Cobee

The California College Tour proved to be enjoyable, informative, and incredibly worthwhile. Having done the tour, I’m now confident I can effectively evaluate each college I visit, write an essay that both is pointed and personal, and fill out the common application with ease.

Paul Cobee
California Tour Participant
Yokohama International School, Japan

Takero Sone

The trip was so well organized. It was a busy itinerary with so many schools to visit in just a week so I am amazed that we were able to go through every school from DC to Boston. I just needed to show up at the lobby each morning and after that, I was guided to all the places I needed to go. Very organized!

Takero Sone
Northeast College Tour Participant
Hong Kong International School, Hong Kong

Mic Eduque

The tour helped solidify my initial choice of schools. You guys really knew what we needed to know about the college admissions process. Any questions I had, you could answer perfectly!

Mic Eduque
Northeast College Tour Participant
International School Manila, Philippines

Alison Birch

The tour was overall excellent. It was well run and well balanced between looking at campuses and having a bit of fun.

Alison Birch
Parent of California Tour Participant
American School in Japan, Japan

Adriana Lima

The tour is a great experience for students finishing their sophomore year as it provides great guidance on the college essay well as an excellent insight to the road ahead.

Adriana Lima
Parent of Northeast Tour Participant
Graded School of Sao Paolo, Brazil

David Zhu

Go for it….. It is GREAT.

David Zhu
Northeast College Tour Participant
Singapore American School, Singapore

Lydia Sommer

Your child won’t stop talking about it!

Lydia Sommer
Parent of California Tour Participant
Singapore American School, Singapore

Maria del Mar Ferrey

All of the counselors were approachable and the interaction was excellent. I really felt I could trust the counselors and go to them if I had any question, issue or complaint. Another of my favorite parts was simply spending such an amazing time with the people I met!

Maria del Mar Ferrey
Northeast Tour Participant
American Nicaraguan School, Nicaragua

Danya Amin

My son was very excited on his return and I felt that he learned a lot about the application process. He experienced the Eastern part of the US for the first time and learned about “BEST FIT”, and the importance of feeling ‘THE VIBE’. I would highly recommend it!

Danya Amin
Parent of Northeast and California Tour participants
Cairo American School, Egypt

Northeast Tour Participant United World College

Definitely do it, it is worth it to see the colleges as you can imagine yourself go there. Also, the information sessions were really helpful and the tour was well organized.

Northeast Tour Participant United
World College, Singapore

Allotay Brown

This was a great “eye-opening experience” for our daughter. She now has new motivation for doing well with the SATS and with her academic marks.

Allotay Brown
Parent of Northeast Tour Participant
SOS Herman Gmeiner International College, Ghana

Yangfan Hou

It is a really helpful tour to help student get a sense or determine what kind of university/college they want to experience. Students will be much more confident in college preparation and application after the tour!

Yangfan Hou
Northeast College Tour Participant
Fudan International School, China

Johanna Svanikier

We found TS College Tours helpful in getting a much better and practical feel of some key universities, and more importantly, what life is like in the school and the city where these universities are. No website can really give you this.

Johanna Svanikier
Parent of Northeast Tour Participant
Stowe School Buckinghamshire, UK

Northeast College Tour Participant Hong Kong International School Hong Kong

Visiting these colleges gave me a feel of what each one felt like and also helped me eliminate or add certain schools from my original list.

Northeast College Tour Participant
Hong Kong International School, Hong Kong

Parent of Northeast Tour Participant Shanghai Gezhi High School China

It is a good investment as part of the whole process of selecting the right college for your kid. Especially for us who are non-Americans, who have no/very limited knowledge of the American college system, this Tour provides a credible source of first hand info on what are the important considerations about college selection and how to make an informed decision on what, how, where about college selection.

Parent of Northeast Tour Participant
Shanghai Gezhi High School, China

Alka Chandiramani

It was an enjoyable experience visiting the various campuses. I think it’s great for students to have the experience independently without interference from parents’ ideas and interventions.

Alka Chandiramani
Parent of California Tour Participant
International School Dhaka, Bangladesh

Daniel de Costa

JUST DO IT! It’s one of the best experiences I’ve had.

Daniel de Costa
Northeast College Tour Participant
School of the Nations, Brazil

Mrs. Jimenez

I would highly recommend the tour.

Mrs. Jimenez
Parent of Northeast Tour Participant
St. Paul School, Concord, New Hampshire, USA

Northeast Tour Participant Jakarta International School

College visits were priceless. The academic difference between many of the schools was miniscule so I based my decision on gut feeling. When I walked onto a campus I asked myself questions like, “Can I see myself living in these dorms?” or “Can I see myself hanging out in this quad?

Northeast Tour Participant
Jakarta International School, Indonesia

Participant EAB

Everything was very well arranged, making us quite confident about all the conditions of the tour, including safety issues.

Participant EAB
American School of Brasilia

California Tour Participant Tanglin Trust School

TS College Tours is perfect for international students because all the guides/counselors are experts in their field. Getting to stay in a college dorm and interacting with other students from all over the world were some of the best parts.

California Tour Participant
Tanglin Trust School, Singapore

Jerry Wei

Personal conversations with the guides REALLY helped, I’m definitely better informed than before.

Jerry Wei
Northeast College Tour Participant
American School of Guangzhou, China

Mrs. San Jose

I would highly recommend the tour to other parents. I would tell them how organized, efficient and safe the tour was and how my daughter learned about the different programs that were offered at very diverse universities. I feel my daughter has the information she needs to choose a university whereas before she had too many options and only a few parameters for selection.

Mrs. San Jose
Parent of Northeast Tour Participant
International School Manila, Philippines

Maria del Mar Ferrey

It was an amazing experience for me. I had no idea of what college I wanted to go to and going in this tour really gave me the opportunity to see where I could fit in. Besides, I met interesting people from all over the world and now we are staying in touch.

Maria del Mar Ferrey
Northeast College Tour Participant
American Nicaraguan School, Nicaragua

Parent of Northeast Tour Participant American School of Dubai

I cannot imagine another tour so trustworthy than TS College Tours.

Parent of Northeast Tour Participant
American School of Dubai, UAE

Max Meyer

It’s an amazing tour, which can really help you find the right college for you.

Max Meyer
Northeast College Tour Participant
Tanglin Trust School, Singapore

Mrs. Bohling

My son said it was very worthwhile and he would highly recommend it to others. He was happy to be advised to take notes to recall the colleges and a concrete rating system, as well as pictures of his visits. He also gained considerable information from the talks on applications and essays. He was very happy he had participated int he tour and said the counselors were very helpful and the other students on the tour were a pleasure to meet and befriend. Excellent time spent!

Mrs. Bohling
Parent of Northeast Tour Participant
Singapore American School, Singapore

Xinle Yao

TS College Tour is great. It really helped me a lot both on my essay and on the application process. And also, traveling with students come from different countries is amazing.

Xinle Yao
California College Tour Participant
Shanghai Gezhi High School, California

Noel Chan

I appreciated that the tour counselors are aware of many different international schools situations and thus they knew what kind of school environment each student is used to.

Noel Chan
Northeast College Tour Participant
Shanghai American School, China

Ravi Mururka

INVALUABLE in the research, preparation, decision making, and college application process.

Ravi Mururka
Parent of Northeast and California Tour Participant
Singapore American School, Singapore

Parent of Northeast Tour Participant Nagoya International School

I think the tour was a great experience and highly recommend it. Seeing a broad range of schools with other students & guidance counselors is a huge advantage.

Parent of Northeast Tour Participant
Nagoya International School, Japan

Margaret Anne Smith

I now have a better idea of what is required from me, and how to submit and most effectively organize my college app. This has been a GREAT EXPERIENCE! – now I am looking forward to college and really understand why I am working hard to prepare. College brochures only include a fraction of the information. The college tours and information sessions will give you a much better idea of what a school is like and whether you would be happy there.

Margaret Anne Smith
Northeast College Tour Participant
Singapore American School, Singapore

Mic Eduque

The tour got me thinking about applying to certain schools I hadn’t previously considered. It narrowed my focus and I now know exactly where to apply and what to look for if I do consider other colleges.

Mic Eduque
Northeast College Tour Participant
International School Manila, Philippines

Rufus Raghunath

Indispensible! I’m so happy I went on the tour! Definitely do it, it is worth it to see the colleges as you can imagine yourself go there. Also, the information sessions were really helpful and the tour was well organized.

Rufus Raghunath
Northeast College Tour Participant
United World College Southeast Asia, Singapore

Aashmann Sharma

It gave me a whole new view on the whole process.

Aashmann Sharma
Northeast College Tour participant
Singapore American School, Singapore

Cameron Noble

It is a “MUST”!

Cameron Noble
Northeast College Tour Participant
Singapore American School, Singapore

Takero Sone

All the counselors had a wide range of information to offer. It was also interesting how they each had different comments regarding my essay which was good, because that gave me more ways to improve my essay.

Takero Sone
Northeast College Tour Participant
Hong Kong International School, Hong Kong

Jeffrey Qiu

This tour helped me see past the statistics into what the colleges were actually about.

Jeffrey Qiu
Northeast College Tour Participant
Singapore American School, Singapore

Naina Mullick

The tour was much better organized and efficient than what I would have been able to do with my family.

Naina Mullick
California College Tour Participant
Singapore American School, Singapore

Bharath Srivatsan

I really loved chatting with the counselors, both on the tour and in the specific colleges. They were able to answer my questions very effectively, and I gained a comprehensive knowledge on any topic I was curious about.

Bharath Srivatsan
Northeast College Tour Participant
Singapore American School, Singapore

Ayesha Hasan

The guided tours were very useful and informative as they helped me realize what I look for in a university’s campus, professors, students, and general feel. I feel much more confident now when it comes to shortening my university list as I know what I am looking for.

Ayesha Hasan
Northeast College Tour Participant
UWC Southeast Asia, Singapore

Archana Kannan

I learnt a lot about what college admissions officers look for through the information sessions which was very useful. I also learnt a lot during the evening sessions when we talked about essay writing.

Archana Kannan
Northeast College Tour Participant
UWC Southeast Asia, Singapore

Julia Motta

It was excellent because we got to visit the colleges and have info sessions, which really showed us how life would be in each college, and made me realize whether I’d like to be there or not. DO IT! It was really worth it, and definitely one of the best trips I’ve ever had.

Julia Motta
California College Tour Participant
School of the Nations, Brazil

Patricia Ruiz

My daughter had an amazing experience and the tour was very organized.

Patricia Ruiz
Parent of Northeast College Tour
School of the Nations, Brazil

Archana Kannan

By visiting the university you can truly see what feels good to you. Academics aside, when walking around a campus you can look around and take in the atmostphere which helps you gain a more valuable understanding of the setting. This helps you understand what type of places you like and by visiting campuses you can also see if any of the universities ‘lights a spark’ for you. The tour was very valuable to me in that it showed me the type of environment I want to be in. I also ended up falling in love with some universities that I didn’t even consider before the tour.

Archana Kannan
Northeast College Tour Participant
UWC Southeast Asia, Singapore

Archana Kannan

Touring colleges is a must! Unless you know exactly what you want to do and exactly where you want to go, I would go on the tours. “That spark” shows you you what you really want. You could also visit a campus that you had on your list and realize it is not something you like. That’s what the tour helps you do – it helps you decide what you really want! Finally, TS College Tours provides an amazing amount of information for college applications which has really helped me improve my essay form something barely acceptable tosomething much more interesting.

Archana Kannan
Northeast College Tour Participant
UWC Southeast Asia, Singapore

Anna Belle Harada

This tour not only gave me a much needed perspective of colleges; it gave me the opportunity to make new friends and experiences I will never forget.

Anna Belle Harada
California College Tour Participant
American School in Japan, Japan

Hitomi Hattori

I highly recommend TS College Tours. It is a well-organized and well thought-out program. A good starting point! I would recommend participating in the tour at the end of 10th grade so that you have another summer to re-visit any college of interest the following year.

Hitomi Hattori
Parent of California Tour Participant
American School in Japan, Tokyo

Leonel De Velez

The alumni dinner gave unbiased, unfiltered and uncensored thoughts and feelings about the student life of a particular college.

Leonel De Velez
Northeast College Tour Participant
Singapore American School, Singapore

Mic Eduque

Coming on this tour helped me realize the importance of a college visit. Now I know the types of questions I should ask to tour guides and former/current students of different colleges, what each specific college wants to see in an application, and most importantly, what matters to me most in a college. As you see different campuses and different areas around each school, you get a much better sense of what type of school you are looking for. Also, you have school counselors there with you who can answer any question you have. They go through this process every year so they are definitely knowledgeable about the process. I would say that this tour is something that shouldn’t be missed, especially if you don’t know where you want to go to college. Not only do you leave knowing where you want to apply and what to look for in a college, but also with lots of friendships and great times.

Mic Eduque
Northeast College Tour Participant
International School Manila, Philippines

Ayesha Hasan

I adored our accommodations, guided tours and of course our bus rides which were filled with laughter and fun.

Ayesha Hasan
Northeast College Tour Participant
UWC Southeast Asia, Singapore

Parent of Northeast Tour Participant

It helped my daughter clarify further in her mind what kind of things to look for in universities, what kind of schools/cities match her needs and personality, and also the kind of life she will have outside of the campus. She’s going to spend at least the next 4 years of her life in this new school and city, so might as well find out more about it in a very real, practical way.

Parent of Northeast Tour Participant

Parent of our Participant

I’m very thankful to the whole team for providing such an enriching experience to my son. He learned so much! As a bonus, he has developed his sense of responsibility and made friends from all over the world. I would definitely recommend the tour as soon as you begin high school. Thank you for everything!

Parent of our Participant

Parent of Northeast Tour Participant

The kids go with a very experienced staff. It is important to have such a good group of counselors sharing with the kids all their knowledge, tips, and guiding them through the application process, It was a bonus that the participants could share with other students who are going through the same decision making process. Very important that the students had the opportunity to get started with their essays and were given feedback from the tour leaders.

Parent of Northeast Tour Participant